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Sunyata Meditation Course 2012
Sunyata Meditation Association - Switzerland branch

You are cordially invited to attend the Fundamental of Meditation class (85th class) and/or Intermediate level of Buddhism : Prajna level 1 (32th class) taught by Zen Master Thich Thong Triet, from the Sunyata Meditation Centre, Perris, CA, USA in Switzerland. The teachings will be given in Vietnamese with an experienced French interpreter.

Fundamental of Meditation class

Duration:            6 days 1/2, from 9:00 Saturday, 07.07.2012 to noon Friday, 13.07.2012.
Location:            Buddhist Cultural Social Centre, 1024 Ecublens Switzerland


  • The three aspects of knowledge
  • Contemplative Meditation (Anupassana)
  • Calm serenity (Samatha): Relaxation of the tongue - hear the sound of the bell
  • Wordless awareness (Samadhi): breathing rythm 1:2
  • Wordless insight (Vipassana): non-nominal designation
  • Biochemical reactions during meditation
  • Bahiya Sutta
  • Anandabhaddekaratta Sutta
  • The 5 aggregates

Participation fee: CHF 200.-- (teaching, noon meal)

Registration deadline and payment : 31.05.2012

Association Bouddhique Méditation Sunyata Lausanne (CCP 12-739515-2), chemin de Villard 12, 1007 Lausanne

Bùi Mai Hương, chemin de Villard 12, 1007 Lausanne

For contact and further information : Huệ Thuận, Bùi Mai Hương, chemin de Villard 12, 1007 Lausanne

Phone : 021 312 77 17, or Email : or

With our best regards.

Huê Thuân Mai Huong

Intermediate level of Buddhism : Prajna level 1

Duration : 6 days 1/2, from 9:00 Saturday,14.07.2012 to noon Friday, 20.07.2012.
Location : Chalet Saint Paul, 1634 La Roche, Suisse (


  • Development of the cognitive faculty
  • Practice of the transcendental wisdom (Vipassanà): wordless
  • Practice of wordless awareness (Samadhi): Inspiration, breathing step 3, wordless step 3
  • The Anupassana practice: impermanence, suffering/conflict, not self/ no real nature
  • Terminology: Attachment (Sati) - just Attachment - Sati sampajañña (cognitive awareness)
  • Old habits / dirt, provisions, passion obfuscation
  • Overview of cognition

Participants will remain at the center during the classes. Vegetarian meals will be served . QiGong exercises will also be given in the morning and evening.

Participation fee: CHF 490.-- (Teaching, accomodation and all vegetarian meals)

Registration deadline and payment : 31.05.2012

Association Bouddhique Méditation Sunyata Lausanne (CCP 12-739515-2), chemin de Villard 12, 1007 Lausanne

Bùi Mai Hương, chemin de Villard 12, 1007 Lausanne

For contact and further information : Huệ Thuận, Bùi Mai Hương, chemin de Villard 12, 1007 Lausanne

Phone : 021 312 77 17, or Email : or

With our best regards.

Huê Thuân Mai Huong